I started my photographic journey in 2017 when a friend lent me an old camera one night around a bonfire in my backyard. I was fascinated with long exposures…how you could open up the shutter of the camera for several seconds and capture the movement of light in a way the human eye cannot perceive. The sparks crackled off the embers and were transformed into bright orange light trails against the backdrop of the night sky. I fell in love with photography that night and dove headfirst into this new world.
My goal is to capture my experiences in nature, both literally and poetically. Sometimes I have a specific vision for a photograph, but most often it is found through the journey of discovery - immersing myself in nature and finding what speaks to me. These fleeting moments are exhilarating and a source of inspiration to be outside, explore new places, and hopefully create something unique and interesting in the process.
I am excited to share that I am now living in Southern Utah! During my travels in May 2023, I fell in love this area and decided to stay for awhile. While I do miss Virginia with all of its greenery and diversity, I look forward to new experiences and new photographs here.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or thoughts, I would like to hear from you. Thank you!